Thursday, November 3, 2016

Subjective Reprehensibility Scale

Subjective Reprehensibility Scale


Dear User,

We are conducting a public assessment of the perceived relative morality of various actions. It is hoped that such an assessment will inform the discussion of the relative morality of the high profile actions of public figures. The hope is that such tasks will be both stimulating and manageable.

By submitting your responses, you are agreeing to allow the responses to be analyzed and published anonymously on

Thank you for your participation, EBS


Morality Ranking

Each of the following items lists four statements which some consider immoral or unethical. Rank each statement in terms of degree of morally offensiveness with 1 Least Offensive, 2 Less Offensive, 3 More Offensive, 4 Most Offensive.

Non-Offensive Actions

If you believe an action is not immoral or unethical still rank it but also check the “Not offensive” box.

Nonsense Responses

If you do not understand a statement, please rank it but also check the “Nonsense” box.

Optional Open Ended Response

If you have been a victim of any of the actions please list the action number and any additional information you would like to say about how that action affected you. Please be sure to not include any personally identifiable information.

Rejection Rules


All 8 items must be completed with each statement ranked.

Ground Truth

Four of the eight items have been previous calibrated with expected response patterns. If three out of these four items submitted demonstrate a response pattern significantly different from that of the expected pattern, the HIT will be rejected. The probability of someone applying effort and missing three items is 6.7%. Therefore, there is a chance of false rejection. If you believe you have been incorrectly rejected, please contact the requester and your HIT will be manually reviewed.


Subjective Reprehensibility Scale


Dear User,

We are conducting a public assessment of the perceived relative morality of various actions. It is hoped that such an assessment will inform the discussion of the relative morality of the high profile actions of public figures. The hope is that such tasks will be both stimulating and manageable.

By submitting your responses, you are agreeing to allow the responses to be analyzed and published anonymously on

Thank you for your participation, EBS


Morality Ranking Each of the following items lists four statements which some consider immoral or unethical. Rank each statement in terms of degree of morally offensiveness with 1 Least Offensive, 2 Less Offensive, 3 More Offensive, 4 Most Offensive.

Non-Offensive Actions If you believe an action is not immoral or unethical still rank it but also check the “Not offensive” box.

Nonsense Responses If you do not understand a statement, please rank it but also check the “Nonsense” box.

Optional Open Ended Response If you have been a victim of any of the actions please list the action number and any additional information you would like to say about how that action affected you. Please be sure to not include any personally identifiable information.

Rejection Rules

Completion All 8 items must be completed with each statement ranked.

Ground Truth Four of the eight items have been previous calibrated with expected response patterns. If three out of these four items submitted demonstrate a response pattern significantly different from that of the expected pattern, the HIT will be rejected. The probability of someone applying effort and missing three items is 6.7%. Therefore, there is a chance of false rejection. If you believe you have been incorrectly rejected, please contact the requester and your HIT will be manually reviewed.